!Opening Doors: Inspire and 15Billionebp merge and rebrand!
Opening Doors to Opportunity Inspire and 15billionebp: Two charities opening doors to all career paths for young people in London. We bring together business and education to improve social mobility and create a larger, more diverse talent pool! Our work is for children and young people in support of their aspirations, fostering strong partnerships to ensure brighter futures for all.
The young people in the boroughs we work with face many diverse challenges. Together with education and business, we will provide access and knowledge that helps young people realise their full potential. Working together benefitted our reach and impact so much that we have decided to merge officially.
“I am very excited that our Partnership is really taking off. Having developed by sharing the development cost of really exciting online work-related learning activities the collaboration between the two charities has now extended to sharing critical support functions. I am confident that our unique collaboration model will preserve the unique local expertise of our respective work while achieving greater efficiency, both of which will be to the direct benefit of the communities we serve.”
Ian Porter – 15 BillionEBP Chief Executive
Join us in our efforts to open even more doors and inspire more young people across London, whatever their background. More opportunities to engage with our programmes, fun events to fundraise for them and chances to discover how amazing these young people are and all they have to offer.
Email: info@inspire-ebp.org.uk