Work experience allows young people figure out their career paths and is an opportunity to open doors to a larger pool of untapped talent and challenge stereotypes around occupational ambitions. We work with businesses, organisations and individuals to engage more young people and provide greater access to opportunities in all industries and career levels.
Work Experience
A high-quality work experience placement can motivate pupils and boost their attainment. Inspire works with businesses and education providers to co-ordinate work placements for over 3,500 young people each academic year. The programme works across the breadth of the labour market, covering many sectors to provide a great taster of the ‘world of work’, helping to raise aspirations and support academic progression.
In return, we help businesses gain fresh ideas and honest perspectives on what they do. They also have early access to talent whilst also developing their D&I and corporate social responsibility (CSR) by providing opportunities for a diverse group of young people and corporate volunteering opportunities for their employees, supporting employees’ professional development.
We’re always looking for new partnerships, a strength of our offer and programmes to young people and schools is the access to businesses and professionals in our diverse network.