Opening Doors: Inspire and 15Billionebp merge and rebrand!!
!Opening Doors: Inspire and 15Billionebp merge and rebrand!
Opening Doors: Inspire and 15Billionebp merge and rebrand!
Opening Doors: Inspire and 15Billionebp merge and rebrand!
Disco-robics Fundraiser 2: Disco Harder
Disco-robics Fundraiser 2: Disco Harder We are pleased to announce that, due to popular demand, wewill be hosting our second disco-robics fundraiser: Discorobics 2 –Disco Harder on Friday 19th June, 6-7pm. Tickets arestill £5 […]
How have Inspire adapted? Our new virtual programmes!
COVID-19 has changed and limited what we do and how, as people try to keep themselves and others safe and healthy. It is no different for us here at Inspire, […]
Diversity and Racial Equality: How can we create change for the long term?
Diversity and Racial Equality: How can we create change for the long term?
Our commitment to all children and young people, anti-racism, greater equality, a better future, and a stronger community; how is that reflected in Inspire’s work and practices?<br ...